The Carlisle Barracks and Cumberland Valley Chapter signed an Employee Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Letter of Support during a special Chapter Board Meeting held on June 20, 2017. This event was accomplished to support AUSA’s call to action and show the Association’s endorsement of ESGR and to promote awareness of this important program.
The ESGR is a Department of Defense Program that was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to aid in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment.
The letter of support specifically recognizes that the reserve components “are essential to the strength of our nation and the well-being of our communities. In the highest American tradition, the patriotic men and women of the Guard and the Reserve serve voluntarily and in an honorable and vital profession. They train to respond to their community in time of need. They deserve the support of every segment of our society.”
The signed letter of support includes four pledges:
- Support and comply with federal employment and re-employment rights for Guard and Reserve members;
- Provide managers and supervisors the tools to manage Guard and Reserve employees;
- Appreciate the leadership and skills Guard and Reserve soldiers bring to the workforce by encouraging employment opportunities; and
- Continually recognize and support service members and their families.
We were very pleased to have our South Central Pennsylvania ESGR Representatives, Mr. Jim Astor and Mr. Ray Cuttino attend to facilitate the signing. The Chapter was also joined by our newest AUSA Corporate Member, Carlisle Comfort Suites, and General Manager Mr. David McCord who graciously hosted the ceremony and signed the ESGR Letter of Support on behalf of the hotel.
Many thanks to the Pennsylvania ESGR Committee and the Carlisle Comfort Suites for making this wonderful event possible!

George Woods, Chapter Secretary; Prof Ed Filiberti, Chapter Treasurer; Mr. Jim Astor,
ESGR Committee; Mr. David McCord, Comfort Suites GM; COL(Ret) George McDonnell, Chapter Reserve Component Representative; COL(Ret) Bob Hume, Chapter President; CSM(Ret) Dwayne Parrish; Dr. Jerry Comello, Past Chapter President; LTC Jim Di Crocco; and Mr. Ray Cuttino, ESGR Committee (left to right).